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Contact Us

Below you will find all of our contact information. Please feel free to call or email us with any questions that you may have.



The Ivy Cottage
604 S. Western Avenue
Lampasas, Texas 76550
Phone #'s:
Ivy Cottage: 512-556-0227
Ivy Cottage Fax: 512-556-9335



On a final note, I would just like to share with you the story of this photo that I have been blessed with. This was taken by me at my mother's funeral in 2002 when I got up to read a letter I had written for her. This was the only photo I took that day. Notice 2 things. (1) The shape and intensity of the light.  (2) There appears to be a lady standing in back with a white collar dress on. There was no one back there. We have a video that shows this. Click on the photo to learn the whole story. It will take you to a site I built to honor our mothers. Thank you and God Bless you.....Ken

The Ivy Cottage * 604 S. Western Ave. * Lampasas, TX 76550 * 512-556-0227
Visit our other website at http://angelbluebonnet.com